Engagement & Communications update

Phil Tisch and Lizzy Sutcliffe

We are refining our planned engagement programme for the coming months to align with feedback, best practice and the views of the Board and incoming Government Ministers. The Better Business Case method we are following requires us to do high-quality engagement with stakeholders, agencies and subject experts. To achieve this, we expect to undertake further in-depth engagement on key topics as options are developed and feasibility testing continues. We will share this in the new year and provide a timeline for when these engagements will take place – likely early autumn. This targeted engagement will complement the ongoing programme of updates and meetings for stakeholders. We are working to swiftly fill the Principal Engagement Advisor Role as this work ramps up.

The focus for the last month has been to reach out to organisations and communities who we haven’t spoken to in a while. Updates have been given to the Piopiotahi community, the Fiordland Marine Guardians and the Southland Chamber of Commerce. We have met individually with representatives of Glenorchy Air, Milford Sound Air, Southern Alps Air, FMC and Destination Queenstown.  Planning is underway for further discussions with statutory bodies, the aviation sector and company owners.


Thank you Milford Sound community

We visited Piopiotahi on 22 November and were really pleased to have around 18 community members give us their time that evening. Thanks for listening to us and feeding in your views, and to Southern Discoveries for generously hosting. We will write up the feedback we heard and share this via our newsletter.

As a mostly younger audience living in Piopiotahi you stand to be one of the most effected groups from any long-term changes to the management of this place.  We would really like to hear more from you. To get in touch visit Contact us – Milford Opportunities or you can email Lizzy directly: lsutcliffe@milfordopportunities.nz