Feedback continued…
Recreational climbers
We are often reminded about the majestic recreation opportunities in Fiordland, including the Darran Mountains as being the climbing pinnacle in Aotearoa. Accessibility and flexibility are therefore important. New systems under the Masterplan need to support the climbing community as well as other stakeholders.
At this session with the climbing community on 15 June 2023 we heard general support for the ideas that the Masterplan promotes. For example, the park and ride system could have positive impacts on tourist traffic and emissions. However, there are concerns from some recreation users that some ideas might have unintended consequences. One example is the placement of a node near the Homer Hut which could compound some issues being experienced during high visitation times. There is also a concern that the needs of outdoor recreationalists are being overlooked due to the focus on managing tourist traffic. Parking for recreational users at Deepwater Basin is critical.
It was asserted that any permitting system needs to enable climbers to operate in a flexible way and at short notice, and consideration should be given to Australian climbers as they form a considerable portion of the Darran Mountains climbing community.
Read the Recreational climbers feedback June 2023