Researching transport and infrastructure requirements

The Transport & Infrastructure Team have awarded contracts for the first tranche of their work – Assessment of Landscape Values, Assessment of Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems and Species, Energy Assessment, and Walking & Cycling Experiences Feasibility.

This first tranche will further develop the research done in Stage 2 of the project by identifying opportunities and constraints for the transport systems and supporting infrastructure proposed in the masterplan. This will be done in conjunction with a historic heritage assessment and a cultural heritage inventory commissioned by the Heritage & Ngai Tahu Partnership Workstream. The Energy Assessment will identify current energy sources and capacity, project future demand if the proposals in the masterplan are implemented (e.g. charging stations for EVs), and investigate energy source options to meet that demand – for vehicles, boats and any built infrastructure.

The second tranche of contracts are currently out with the market to submit proposals on: Transport System and Design, Transport Technology, and Engineering Feasibility. The Transport System and Design contract will investigate the feasibility of implementing the mixed-managed access model proposed in the Masterplan – a park and ride system as well as allowing for some private vehicle access. The Transport Technology contract will investigate options for the technology required to manage the transport system, including how the public can make bookings and learn more about Te Rua-o-Te-Moko Fiordland National Park during their journey. The Engineering Feasibility Assessment contract will investigate the technical feasibility of implementing the infrastructure proposed in the masterplan from a civil, structural, geotechnical, and three-waters perspective. It will also include natural hazard and long-term climate change risk assessments. Another focus of the second tranche of contracts is estimating the cost to implement and manage the transport and infrastructure proposals in the masterplan.

Researching transport and infrastructure requirements