Report on October engagement survey

The engagement survey in October 2020 provided respondents with 29 potential master plan ideas to make comment on. These ideas covered the journey from Te Anau, along the Milford corridor and into Milford Sound Piopiotahi. Respondents could make comments in open-ended text boxes on each of the ideas or just one, and there was a large variety from both the public and stakeholders.

A summary was produced which highlighted the top 10 (most positive comments) and bottom 10 (most negative comments) ideas out of the 29 key ideas.

The top 10 ideas had more than 85% positive comments and included creating new walking/cycling tracks connecting into Te Anau, developing better facilities and infrastructure in Milford Sound Piopiotahi, tourism funding conservation, developing new walking tracks and observations points in Milford Sound Piopiotahi, upgrading short stop options along the Milford Corridor, developing new family-friendly experiences in the Te Anau basin, creating a strong national park entry, redesigning the Te Anau waterfront and town centre, developing the Knobs Flat experience hub and investigating options in the upper and lower Hollyford Valley.

The more contentious ideas were removing the fixed wing plane runway from Milford Sound Piopiotahi (this had the largest and most negative response by far), enhancing the Cascade Creek campsite, both the two mixed access transport models, developing new Milford Sound Piopiotahi visitor accommodation, rebranding to recreate the Piopiotahi story, redeveloping the tourist boat terminal, restricting cruise liners in the inner sound, incorporating the commercial port into the visitor experience, and creating a super track head within the Divide area.

To see the summary, please click here.

Report on October engagement survey