What’s happening at the moment

Completion of the Milford Opportunities masterplan is the focus for the next three months, as all the work and feedback come together to enable the governance group to consider and decide on the final plan.

All of the workstream reports are now with the governance group for its consideration and to enable it to make the decisions on the masterplan recommendations. These reports provide extensive background on areas such as mana whenua, tourism, infrastructure, hazards, governance and more, as well as identification of the ideas that form the masterplan. All feedback from the public and stakeholders has been considered as part of the creation of these reports and recommendations.

A governance group meeting this month will receive the reports and will also discuss the look and feel of the draft plan, the general content, and the design concept for an animation video that describes it in a more visual medium.   

The draft masterplan will then be peer reviewed and completed by the end of March. It will then be given to government ministers for discussion in April.

We then aim to release the masterplan to the public in May/June and at that point stage two finishes. We want to emphasise there is another stage left in the project after this, which is the implementation of the masterplan by Government, if it chooses to do so. Detailed feasibility assessments, consultation and engagement are likely be required in stage three to move into implementation.

What’s happening at the moment