Welcome to our April newsletter
Kia ora and welcome to the April edition of the Milford Opportunities Newsletter. It’s been a busy few weeks since you last heard from us.

On 11 March Conservation Minister Tama Potaka visited Piopiotahi Milford Sound for the first time. The Minister took a flight in, returning via road in a mini bus. He experienced first-hand the size and grandeur of the place, the history and stories, the people and the remoteness. He took time to look through Cascade Creek, Knobs Flat and Mirror lakes along the journey back. He indicated that he really valued the experience and meeting with community members, tourism operators and mana whenua to better understand the place, it’s people and the work of the project.
Minister Potaka and Tourism & Hospitality Minister Matt Doocey make up the Ministerial Oversight Group for the Milford Opportunities Project. Both Ministers have now fulfilled their expressed desire to visit Milford Sound Piopiotahi during the summer peak.
The Ministers took the time to experience very different journeys. Minister Doocey came by car on the road, experienced a cruise and met with tourism operators. This provides a broader knowledge base as they review the Milford Opportunities Business case when it lands with them late June.