Feasibility testing of the Milford Opportunities Masterplan needs to consider how well the plan’s concepts work for visitors and fit within the tourism system.
The Tourism & Visitor Experience Workstream is assessing the masterplan as a system with infrastructure, agencies, iwi, tourism operators and communities all contributing to deliver the visitor experience.
We are currently focused on how well the proposed interventions resolve visitor congestion and disperse visitors.
The next phase of work relates to market research into slow tourism and tourism alignment.
Infrastructure & Transport
Simon Moran, Courtney Hart and Tom Hopkins
The Transport & Infrastructure Workstream is supporting the other workstreams with independent research into the technical feasibility of the masterplan’s proposals including any proposed visitor and recreation facilities (such as cycleways), transport options and energy production.
Masterplan illustration
Analysis is starting to come in with Stantec Ltd having completed their analysis of energy sources which are limited to options such as hydropower given the abundance of water (as opposed to sun) in the area. Boffa Miskell is finalising the landscape values and environmental values assessments.
Likewise, Southern Land Ltd are finishing their walking & cycling experiences feasibility assessment.
WSP’s engineering feasibility assessment information gathering, and review stage is complete and all teams are underway with their assessment work (natural hazard and long-term climate change risk, three waters infrastructure, geotechnical, contaminated land, sustainability, statutory planning, cost estimation).
Beca Ltd have been working closely with us to determine the magnitude of a park and ride and if it is feasible. They have come up with some initial options which will now be refined and developed.
The transport technology Request for Information has gone out and we are looking forward to hearing what the market can tell us. Elsewhere we have been engaging with suppliers of software to other national parks around the world.
Thanks to those of you who have assisted with creating and reviewing these reports.